Nettle Leaves
Urtica Dioica (loose) – 50g – $4.00
Nettle has been used for centuries as a diuretic and for treating painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anaemia. Nettle has the following properties: it has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-ulcer, astringent, urinary problems and analgesic. When nettle tea is drunk it helps provide relief to arthritis suffers – fresh leaves rubbed onto joint pain and where there is arthritis relieves the pain.
The leaves of the nettle plant contains histamine and this when taken by allergy sufferers helps to relieve them of hay fever though must be taken as soon as hay fever symptoms start.
Can be used in cooking.
INFUSION – add one teaspoon of nettle leaves into a large mug of boiling water and leave to infuse 5 minutes – strain then drink
WARNING check with you doctor before taking nettle tea as it may cause adverse effects with medicine taken and adjustments may have to be made, this includes people who have diabetes